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1 Buck  Fri, Jan 28, 2011 9:01:17am

“…Muslim troops who have a real hard time, you know, dealing with this kind of behavior.”

Just like they have working with Women, and Jewish members (just to mention the obvious). I don’t think this guy would say we shouldn’t allow them to serve…

2 theheat  Fri, Jan 28, 2011 10:37:28am
gay soldiers would harm America’s ability to fight “beside Muslim troops”

Only if we make them fight in pink so they’re obvious. And quite frankly, I’m not interested in accommodating a primitive mindset about sexuality, regardless of which religion supports it.

Wake up and join this century, already.

3 HappyWarrior  Fri, Jan 28, 2011 12:01:43pm

Speaking as a Virginian, Bob Marshall is one of the biggest asshats we have in the house of delegates. He’s not some fringe nut with no influence in his party caucus. This guy came very close to receiving the nomination for Senate in 2008. He’s a total homophobe and wackjob. I love how he mentions China and Pakistan not allowing open gays to serve but does not mention at all that our two biggest allies, the UK and Israel do.

4 Blue Point  Fri, Jan 28, 2011 3:27:51pm

Now he worries about who/what/where? Huh? I also see where another of his plans called for Virginia to mint it’s own coinage. I think this says it all;
“State legislatures have to get a little more creative and savvy to counter the buffoonery that’s been plaguing Washington,” Marshall told the Post.
Bob would stop that. Yep.

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